Once again, Hospitality Softnet is leading the industry with technology innovation. Extremely user friendly, theAPP allows you to order hotel sales training programs, operational intelligence and teleprospecting programs from your desktop, cell phone or any mobile device?anytime, anywhere. Registration is a simple one-step process that saves your information and will populate it into any future orders or re-orders. theAPP has been well received by management companies and hoteliers worldwide for its ability to easily place orders 24/7 from any time zone. Register for theAPP Today.

theAPP  Online Ordering of the Following Proven Hotel Services:

Informes de inteligencia competitiva sobre tarifas locales negociadas (LNR):

LNR Rate Hotel Intelligence is an excellent resource to learn how your hotel is positioned to the competitive set for local negotiated transient rates. Use these reports during marketing plan time, for new builds, and during times of negotiation with your customers.

Resúmenes de inteligencia sobre tarifas de grupo:

Nuestros Resúmenes de Inteligencia Hotelera sobre Tarifas de Grupo son un resumen de los precios de grupo para su hotel y del conjunto competitivo para un negocio específico. El hotel determina las fechas, el tipo de consulta y la competencia. A continuación, buscamos en todos los establecimientos para el mismo tipo de negocio y recapitulamos los precios ofertados para tarifas por habitación, alquiler de habitaciones, precio inicial de almuerzo y precio inicial de cena. Así podrá ver cómo se posiciona su hotel cuando los clientes están considerando varias opciones.

Reservation Secret Shopper Test Calls:

This leading edge secret shopper test call service provides a valuable tool to ensure that your team is selling effectively and maintaining high levels of customer service. It will uncover your teams understand of the sales process and can greatly impact your room revenues and ADR. It?s also an excellent means of monitoring how your yield management program is working, and if your agents are trying to get the best rates as possible, actively closing, and properly selling booking guidelines for special event dates. It can be customized to meet your individual needs.

Sales & Catering Secret Shopper Test Calls:

Hospitality Softnet offers quality assurance secret shopping program for hotel sales, catering and new hires. It?s designed to ensure that your entire team is providing top-notch service to your customers, and is a terrific way to enhance your own ongoing sales training. On a year-round basis, we provide you and your staff with feedback and positive training tools that will help fine-tune individual selling skills.

The Hospitality Softnet sales and catering secret shopper platform is unmatched in the industry. Critical to the success of our mystery shopping is having identities that provide the ability to interact with the hotel like a real customer would. All of our identities have the ability to accept return phone calls. They also have email addresses and web sites with real domain names that match the organization who is contacting the hotel. We evaluate how your team interacts with potential customers in a real-life selling environment.

Ofrecemos dos programas de formación en ventas y restauración y dos formatos de informes para elegir.

  • La serie de formación profesional
  • Serie de comentarios profesionales

Specialty Secret Shopper for: CVB, Competitor Research and Sales Candidates

    • CVB Secret Shopper Test Calls: If your hotel relies upon the Convention and Visitors Bureau as a resource for leads and bookings, consider shopping the CVB to see how they are selling your city, and specifically your hotel. How do they respond to competing cities, and how do they represent other hotels within the marketplace? This insight can help ensure that your CVB is actively selling your hotel and destination to all potential inquiries.
  • Competition Secret Shopper Test Calls: Hospitality Softnet offers Competitive Intelligence Briefs to assist hotels in knowing what their competition is doing today. Three different Intelligence Brief formats are available. Included are: Group, Transient, and Internet pricing. To customize the information to your needs, you determine which competitors and dates will be researched. A spreadsheet is then produced comparing the pricing for all hotels researched. The information will help with your marketing and pricing strategies and assist with the proper positioning of your hotel. This convenient and cost-effective service supplies pricing information quickly so you can react to changing market conditions in a timely manner.


  • Potential Sales Candidate Test Calls: Many sales people can do a good job in “selling themselves” during an interview. However, equally important is how well they actually sell to the customer and if they have experienced any hotel sales training. Our Potential Sales Candidate test calls are a great way to see firsthand how effective your potential sales person is when dealing with an inquiry. Do they qualify enough? Are they selling or just telling about the hotel? How aggressive are they when following up and closing the sale? Our reports will help you answer these important questions before you take the final step of hiring them.


Hotel Sales Training Services

Hospitality Softnet offers a number of industry leading hotel sales training programs; all written specifically for the hospitality industry. They employ terminology and examples pertinent to today’s hotel sales environment, allowing your staff to relate to the subject matter and easily absorb the important skills being taught. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs. 617.854.6554

Formación en ventas hoteleras para:

  • Venta in situ y catering 101
  • Hostelería y restauración in situ 102
  • Director de Ventas Formación One on One
  • Formación en ventas de reservas hoteleras
  • Llamadas individuales de coaching telefónico

Teleprospecting Hotel Sales Services

Hospitality Softnet will complement your direct sales efforts with our industry proven Teleprospecting Services. It?s a cost-effective way to ensure that an aggressive hotel prospecting effort is in place, and generating maximum sales.

Nuestros profesionales de teleprospección están altamente cualificados y formados en los matices de la venta de un hotel y sus variados servicios. Los servicios de teleprospección hotelera pueden utilizarse de forma continuada, o para complementar su esfuerzo de ventas de modo que su equipo pueda centrarse en clientes potenciales cualificados, o bien pueden utilizarse de forma puntual según sea necesario.

  • Garantice un esfuerzo continuo de teleprospección que produzca clientes potenciales cualificados para su equipo de ventas.
  • Actualizar los archivos de cuentas anteriores para limpiar los archivos y generar nuevos negocios.
  • Iniciar una nueva promoción.
  • Mantener un esfuerzo de ventas en épocas de rotación para minimizar los costosos tiempos de inactividad.
  • Garantizar que no se pasen por alto pistas importantes por falta de personal disponible.
  • Ayudar a poner en marcha el esfuerzo de ventas durante la preapertura.

Sign-up for the APP Today!

Call: 904.230.4568 for more information