Hotel Reservation Mystery Shopper Test Calls
Reservation Agents and desk clerks handle hundreds of inquiries over the course of the year. Their ability to understand and use proper basic selling skills will greatly impact your room revenues and ADR.
ListenIn CAN BE
easily customized
ListenIn provides a powerful resource helping to ensure that your reservations team is selling effectively and maintaining the highest levels of customer service. It is also an excellent means of monitoring how your yield management program is working.
• Are your agents trying to get the best rates as possible?
• Are they actively closing the sale?
• Are your booking guidelines being sold properly for special event dates?
• Are they effectively handling rate resistance?
By answering these questions and more, ListenIn can be easily customized to meet your individual needs.
Our Mystery Shopping Program for Hotel Sales and Catering is a terrific complement to your own ongoing sales training. On a year-round basis, we provide you and your staff with positive training tools that will help fine-tune individual selling skills.
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